The Phyllis Robertson Home in Pretoria is a worthy cause for volunteering and fundraisers for the disabled - they could have been you or your loved ones...


It could have been me, or you, or your loved one now depending on support: donations, charity, fundraisers and volunteers to help with wishlist items or skills - Phyllis Robertson Home for disabled adults is a worthy cause to get involved with!

As a privately-funded non-profit organisation (NPO), we receive no subsidies from any statutory body and rely fully on residence fees and donations.

We do what we can in terms of holding fundraisers, selling our charity crafts and vetting families' ability to afford the residency fees. Still, we have several residents where the families experience financial distress (or residents become orphaned) and for that reason, our tariffs are below the average of similar privately funded facilities. Our budget is very finely tuned and devoid of any luxury items with no margin for error.

As the custodians of these special souls, we provide entertainment, comfort and enrichment way beyond the minimum care required. Hence we are working hard to enlist the assistance of the public at large, philanthropic organisations and companies with a budget for social development, to consider us for a tax-deductible donation up to 10% of Taxable Income (SARS PDF), big, small, in goods or in kind.

Get to know us, give & feel your heart overflow with love & purpose.


Whether you can bless us with a monetary donation or something on our Wish-list, or volunteer (see below) your skills and talent, or assist at fund-raisers and market days, any support will be so very welcome. Come feel the wonderful vibe of making a difference as you journey with us!


A taxpayer may claim a tax deduction in respect of any bona fide donation of money or property in kind to a Public Benefit Organisation (Our PBO registration number is 930033512), provided the donor received a valid receipt from the recipient, and subject to certain constraints.


We are registered in terms of Section 30 of the Income Tax Act and your donation is exempt from income tax in terms of Section 10(1)(nC) of the Act.

An 18A receipt is issued upon request for any donation exceeding R100.

Your charity work Pretoria volunteering efforts can really assist PRH in attaining their mission.  No matter how dedicated, there is only so much that HEART alone can achieve.
Some residents who don't have family nearby, would love to receive a visit from a caring angel every once in a while - donate your time, donate your money - give back!
Phyllis Robertson Home relies on fundraisers, donations and the goodwill of the public.


NO gift or gesture is too small!

We are always in need of food, clothing, bedding, toiletries or a warm smile delivering surprise cup cakes. Get involved however is easiest for you:

  • Money Donations - once-off or recurring, big or small - donate now in seconds!
  • Wishlist - give of your skill, time or previously loved discarded items - take a peek at our wishlist to see what of this you perhaps have lying around...
  • Adopt a Resident - be an angel for one of our residents (anonymously or personally which may lead to a beautiful, enriching bond). Contact us to find out more about our residents in need.
  • Leave a Legacy - Don't have money right now? Simply complete a codicil to leave our residents something after your death.
  • Volunteer - Assist during fundraisers or at market days or offer your talent for free or at a discount.
  • Encourage - it costs nothing to follow us on Facebook and to like and share our posts - thanks!

Thank you in advance! Any involvement or assistance is always deeply appreciated by the management, residents & staff of PRH.

See the Phyllis Robertson Home wishlist See Our Wishlist

The PRH charity shop and Previously Loved sections are a way for us to do fundraising - please support us, or donate your previously loved goods?

Follow our Facebook Page re our craft center (also at markets), or to commission products.

We really do whatever we can to stretch our funds; and we are so grateful for people getting involved, volunteering in Pretoria, donating to disabled care or sharing skills.

Perhaps all you can do is offer some heirloom seed for our vegetable garden?

Please support the Phyllis Robertson Home fundraisers, braai days etc? Offer your services, or skills, or talents and bring joy to our staff & residents.

Volunteer at fundraisers or offer your talent: Watch our residents dance with a volunteer (3:26)


If you feel more comfortable with a fair exchange of value, consider buying something from our little online shop. We offer some of the crafts our residents make for our market and to supplement income (varies depending on availability):


You may have reached that stage of richness of spirit where volunteering, charity work and fundraising for a worthy cause comes naturally to you.

For those of you where this is something new, we welcome you to visit us and meet our residents and feel your heart fill with a deep gratitude that will spill over into helping others while blessing you with a sense of purpose and grace reserved for those who give back to community.

In giving, you'll be enriched!


"I am an adult with a few disabilities, and some additional symptoms caused by required medication. I may be in a wheelchair or walk without assistance; I could be blind, visually impaired or see perfectly; I may hear you very well although you will probably raise your voice because I look like I can't possibly understand; I could be deaf but look the same as a hearing person. You may think me rude if I don't answer your questions or do not get out of your way in a passage. Maybe I have autism and know no boundaries; maybe I am showing signs of dementia. I could be a prolific writer or unable to control my fingers to form a single letter. Reading could be my favourite pastime, or my brain may refuse to make sense of the letters jumping around on the paper. I may be unable to swallow and need to be fed via a feeding tube or fed by a care assistant. My spine may be straight or abnormally curved.

I may have been born this way or I may have been like you for a big part of my life. I am an adult with disabilities, and I am OK!

Imagine for a moment a place where I am considered normal - where nobody asks awkward questions or stares at me; where nobody bats an eyelid if I use incontinence products or a catheter, where the non-verbal assist the blind, and the wheelchairs are pushed by the deaf; where everyone loves one another. Phyllis Robertson Home is such a place.

Your donation makes a difference in my life. It supports and improves the infrastructure and services offered to us; keeps our cash flow out of ICU and allows us to live in full colour. You are my Hero!"

- The adult with disabilities

"The more I learned about Phyllis Robertson Home and the unbelievably dedicated staff there, the more impressed and humbled I felt. While I'm personally not in a position to make more than small cash donation, I am in a position to offer my expertise to the benefit of PRH. Also being a networker, I will work tirelessly to get the word out about the incredible heart-centred work performed at this facility. They deserve all the support they can get, as well as your admiration!" - Ronel Pieterse